Friday, November 2, 2012


My roommate was watching the news on Hurricane Sandy, and mentioned that the depth of the water flooding Battery Park was 3.5 feet higher than the previous record.  That was when I realized that there must be a lot of numbers I could use from this storm.  I could get a bunch of them, list them, and then take the sum.

So I posted on Facebook:

I'm looking for numbers connected with Sandy - like $5,000,000 (approximate dollars the Atlantic City casinos lose peach day they are closed) or 13 (states where people are without power). Any suggestions?

So here goes:
  • 3.5  = The depth of the water in Battery Park over any previous time on record
  • 5,000,000 = The amount (in dollars) that the casinos in Atlantic City are losing total, per day  that are closed.
  • 13 = the number of states where electricity is out somewhere
  • 0 = number of numbers my Facebook friends gave for my post  

Total = 5,000,016.5

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