Monday, December 1, 2014

6,086,555,670,238,378,989,670,371,734,243,169,622,657,830,773,351,885,970,528,324,860,512,791,691,276 (12 + 6,086,555,670,238,378,989,670,371,734,243,169,622,657,830,773,351,885,970,528,324,860,512,791,691,264)

In number theory, a sublime number is a positive integer which has a perfect number of positive divisors (including itself), and whose positive divisors add up to another perfect number.

The number 12, for example, is a sublime number. It has a perfect number of positive divisors (6): 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12, and the sum of these is again a perfect number: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 12 = 28.

There are only two known sublime numbers, 12 and
(2126)(261 − 1)(231 − 1)(219 − 1)(27 − 1)(25 − 1)(23 − 1)
 The second of these has 76 decimal digits:

So today's number is the sum of these two numbers.

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