Tuesday, March 12, 2013


A ban in New York City forbids theaters, restaurants, concession stands, cafeterias, and other places where food is bought to be eaten there from selling sodas or other sweetened drinks larger than 16 ounces.

This ban does not apply to supermarkets.  It also does not apply to convenience stores where they sell drinks like a "Super-Gulp". The ban does not limit the number of drinks a person may buy or how many refills they get.

It also does not apply to diet sodas, alcoholic drinks, drinks that are low in calories, drinks that are more than half milk, or drinks that are at least 70% fruit juice. 

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said “This is the single biggest step any city, I think, has ever taken to curb obesity.  It’s certainly not the last step that lots of cities are going to take, and we believe that it will help save lives.”

New Yorkers for Beverage Choice, a group sponsored by the soft-drink industry, plans to fight the ban.


  1. The ban was supposed to take effect today, but a judge delayed it, B"H. I don't know exactly where it stands or what the legal path will be.

    At any rate, this represents another step in the relentless diminishment of our freedoms.

  2. It is also crazy - a 64 ounce Coke is not allowed, but if you add some rum, then its allowed. That's just one example.
